Process of Completion (From the Beginning of the 2nd Semester)

To continue with my work on the dress, I crumpled up and sewed around 500 to 600 yards of tails/tool fabrics together and got to work on making a separate skirt.

After making the skirt, I placed it on the mannequin with the 1st skirt placed on top. Then I extending the 1st skirt by sewing more fabric on the hem and cutting off the parts that are too uneven. After that I restitched the hem, to prevent the fabric from unraveling itself.

After realizing that it will require a lot more materials to make a big puffy skirt to go underneath the dress, I cut and restitch the skirt to look like a tutu to make the dress look bigger.

After the skirts were done, I got to work on the top-part of the dress. It took some trial and error, since it was my first time using sewing patterns. During the process of making the top, I used a method similar to to how my abuelita makes dresses, by of layering fabrics and stitching them together, it becomes more durable.

After finishing the top and attaching it to the skirt, I did some trial and error with hole-punching fabrics and attaching metal. I then made straps out of extra fabrics, to tighten the dress.

After making and attaching the part of the dress that goes over the shoulders, I used printed/pre-written strips of paper as patterns and stitch the embroidery with gold and silver threads. Once the embroidery was done, I removed the paper and work on the details to complete the dress.
